The final paper submission deadline is April 13, 2024. Presenting authors should complete their registration by this date, as registration is necessary for final paper submission. Note that the maximum number of oral presentation papers allowed per registration is two. If an author is co-authoring more than two papers, one of the other co-authors should also register to cover the extra paper(s).
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be a total of 15 minutes long (12 minutes for presentation + 3 minutes for Q&A). For invited talks, the presentations will be 25 minutes (20 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A). For keynote talks, the presentations will be 35 minutes (30 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A). The time allocated to your paper can also be found in the program booklet.
Authors should bring their PowerPoint or PDF presentation on a USB drive. Authors will need to upload their slides to the presentation laptop in the session room in the morning or during one of the coffee/lunch breaks prior to their session.
Be warned that movies embedded in the presentations are not guaranteed to be played. In addition, avoid using fonts that are not present in the Windows operating system.
Speakers should arrive in their session room 10 minutes BEFORE the start of their session to report to the Session Chair.
The projectors are designed for 16:9 presentations so the authors are encouraged to prepare their presentations with that proportion.
Students who were chosen as the finalists are also required to prepare their own poster on their presentation contents for better evaluation of paper qualities. Rules for their posters are almost the same as those given below except (a) the posters are displayed for three days (May 13 to 15) and (b) the finalists are NOT necessary to present by their poster.
Poster Presentations
Poster sessions will take place on May 14 and 15. Each poster presenter is assigned to present on a specific day.
Authors are required to print their own poster and are responsible for hanging up their poster before the start of the session and removing them after the session ends. Authors should be present by their poster for questions during the session.
The usable space on the poster board is 90 cm wide by 180 cm tall. We recommend printing your poster in portrait format.
Each poster board will be marked with a number that directly correlates with each poster in the program. Please place your poster on the assigned board. Pins and/or tape will be provided.