A Student Contest will be held during IC-MAM 2024. The contest is open to all students younger than 30 years old on the opening day of the conference; they have to appear as first author and present the paper at the conference. Students intending to participate in the contest are invited to tick the appropriate box during the online submission process.
The works will be evaluated taking into account both the presentations and the grades obtained during the review process. The winner of the Best Student Paper Award will be selected by an international Jury and announced during the Closing Session of the conference.
Students who were chosen as the finalists are also required to prepare an additional poster on their presentation contents for better evaluation of paper qualities. Rules for their posters are the same as posted in the Presentation Guidelines except the posters are displayed for three days (May 13 to 15). You are required to present your poster on Tuesday, May 14 during the regular poster session.